by Dale Reeves

Story Pastor


Andrew Olshine has Down syndrome, but don’t think for a moment that he sees this as a problem. Andrew loves God, his family, people, and typing on his laptop. Andrew swam on his high school’s swim team for five years, has won several Special Olympics swimming and paddle boarding competitions, loves tennis, ping pong, Disney movies, chocolate chip cookies, and Chick-fil-A. His favorite toppings at Blaze Pizza are pepperoni and pineapple. Andrew cheers for the Clemson Tigers, the South Carolina Lady Gamecocks basketball team, and our Cincinnati Bengals. (Can I get a Who-Dey!!) He completed his high school certificate, leads a weekly Bible devotional at a youth group, and attends college classes with his dad. He is also an animal expert!


Andrew just released his first book, with the help of his dad, Dr. David Olshine, whom I’ve known since the early 1980s, when we led a breakfast club at Northwest High School as a part of our individual youth ministries. David grew up in a Jewish home in Cincinnati, and accepted Jesus as his Messiah his freshmen year at Ohio University. He has been a great friend of mine for forty years, has authored sixteen books, and is director and professor of youth ministry, family and culture at Columbia International University (Columbia, SC).

Fearless as a Honey Badger, Brave Like a Wolverine: Living with Down Syndrome, Loving Animals, Learning Courage is an inspirational journal of faith that features photos of over fifty animals. The book is for kids, adults who act like kids (ME!), and anyone who wants to be young again! This fifty-day journey will help you take practical steps in handling the three-headed monster of worry, anxiety, and fear. You will be challenged to live fearless as a honey badger and brave like a wolverine. You can order copies of the book for yourself, your kids, and your grandkids here. Andrew’s cousin Lydia did the cover design of the book. Andrew is currently working on his second title, another book through which God can teach us some spiritual truths through his diverse animal world.


I love what my friend Rick Bundschuh, teaching pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Kauai, Hawaii, says: “Andrew Olshine lights up a room. Within a few seconds you sense that there is something very special, maybe divinely appointed, about this innocent, yet insightful young man. It is no wonder that his book is fearlessly wonderful as well, with a lot of wisdom for readers both young and old.”


Dr. Karen Grant, who teaches at CIU with Andrew’s dad, shares, “Andrew Olshine writes honestly about his life from his unique perspective. His ‘extra chromosome of love’ is seen and experienced by friends, family and ‘strangers.’ Andrew lives each day as a gift to be opened, enjoyed, and fully embraced.”


Loving Animals, Loving God

This week I had the opportunity to interview Andrew and his dad David from their home in Columbia, SC, via FaceTime. Listen in to learn more about this incredibly gifted young man and his book.


Why did you want to write a book?

“My dad was writing a book, and I said, ‘I want to write a book too!’ I like animals and I like God.” It was through a scary experience several years ago in which he had to be hospitalized for 32 days that God taught Andrew some things about trusting him and being fearless and brave—and he wanted to share those lessons with anyone who would listen. Because Andrew’s body had to fight the paralysis that accompanies Guillain-Barré syndrome, he had to re-learn how to walk.


Who’s the book for? What do you hope your readers will gain by reading the book?

“It is for anyone—kids, adults who act like kids, and anyone who wants to be young again. Too many people live in fear, and they worry too much. God doesn’t want us to live in fear, he wants us to be fearless and brave, just like a honey badger and a wolverine.”


Tell me more about why you wanted a honey badger to be part of the title of your book.

“The honey badger is famous for its fearless attitude. In the Guinness Book of World Records, honey badgers (sometimes called ratels) were named ‘the most fearless animal in the world.’ They have a powerful advantage over their enemies: Thick skin. Sharp claws. They are not fast runners, but they have a great deal of resourcefulness and confidence. When threatened, they can send out a stink bomb—kind of like a skunk, to protect their territory and keep predators away.”


“We are not to fear. The book of Psalms has a word of inspiration for us. Look at this cool verse: ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea’ (Psalm 46:1, 2, NIV). God wants you and me to live with courage, not fear!”


Teaching Kids About God’s Character

I asked our amazing children’s ministry director of CCKids, Holly LeMaster, to join us for part of our interview, and we continued our discussion about how God can teach us important truths about himself through the animal world. Andrew’s favorite animals are the great white and tiger sharks, as well as the honey badger and wolverine.


Who do you think are Jesus’ favorite animals?

“I think it’s probably the bald eagle, because of what the prophet Isaiah says about how those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles (see Isaiah 40:29-31) . . . I know his least favorite is the serpent.”


His father David chimed in, “I think it’s the lion . . . because Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5); and then we all quickly mentioned that he is also “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29, 36). David added, “Instinctively, I think all kids are drawn to animals because they can see God’s qualities and characteristics in them. We see a lion demonstrating courage, and a lamb showing meekness. God designed them all to be exactly as they are.”


What are some of your favorite Bible verses that you try to live by?

“My God is a friend who is real, so I like the verse that says, ‘I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you’ (John 15:15, NIV). I also like the Bible verses that say, ‘Do not fear!’ God told Joshua to ‘be strong and very courageous’ (Joshua 1:7). I also like Isaiah 41:10, which tells us, ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you’” (NIV).


How would you recommend we use this book in our children’s ministry at our church?

“I think every home should have my book. My dad and I read a chapter every night for our devotions before we go to bed. Parents can read this book to their kids or grandkids. There are a lot of fun facts about animals, great Bible stories to learn from, some fun quotes from some of my favorite movies, and each chapter ends with a ‘Hot Take,’ a question to ask, a Scripture, and a prayer. I think the kids and adults at your church will really like my book.”


Lord God, please help us to be more like Andrew, Fearless as a Honey Badger, and Brave Like a Wolverine. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!


Check out the excitement on Andrew’s face when he got his first box of books from his publisher!