Ladies, please join us for the upcoming spring session of bible studies beginning the week of September 16! Four different studies to choose from, including an online option! See link below to register or click here!


OPTION 1:  The Gospel of John by Melissa Spoelstra

  • Mondays, September 16th – October 28th (7 sessions) – 7:00 – 8:30 pm – IN-PERSON
  • Life. It seems to move at a break-neck pace. Days are filled with noise, screens, and appointments. Sometimes worry and fear are constant companions. The chaos can leave you looking for a place to be still, but that resting spot always seems to be an elusive destination. Jesus offers a different kind of life. He offers peace. He is peace.
    In this 7-session study on the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra will encourage you to slow down and linger with the living Word. You’ll appreciate the pace of the Savior who never hurried but completed all that the Father called Him to accomplish. As you turn the pages of John’s Gospel, you’ll be challenged to take on the posture of a learner–understanding that the peace Jesus offers is not an ease of circumstances, but a stillness of the soul. As a result, you’ll grow in intimacy with Him and learn to live, serve, and rest in His peace.
  • Books Available:  You can get a copy of the book “The Gospel of John” by Melissa Spoelstra from,, and Belong Bookstore.


OPTION 2:  Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland

  • Wednesdays, September 18th – October 30th (7 sessions) – 9:30 – 11:30 am IN-PERSON
  • Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth-braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.” Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.  Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on this 7-session study. ‘Feast’ on the Word of God in a fresh way through deeper understanding of the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens of reading Scripture. Discover how Jesus graciously brought justice and righteousness to women in the first-century world and how He generously lifted them out of their shame and restored the honor. Jesus came to turn things right side up, and He is still doing all this today.
  • Participants should purchase the book “Jesus and Women” by Kristi McLelland. It is available through Amazon,,, or request through Belong Christian Bookstore


OPTION 3:  Faithful (study from RightNow Media)

  • Thursdays, September 19th – October 31st (7 sessions) – 7:00 – 8:30 pm IN-PERSON
  • Journey with Amy Grant, Ellie Holcomb, Ann Voskamp, and many other female artists, authors, and Bible scholars to see God’s faithfulness in the stories of Scripture through the eyes of women. This unique interactive Bible study invites you into The FAITHFUL Project, a movement that celebrates God’s invitation of women into His story. Through original storytelling and songs, you will be inspired by Rahab’s faith in action, reminded of God’s strength in weakness through Hannah, and encouraged by the bravery and perseverance of Queen Esther.  Gather with your friends or family to experience community with the larger FAITHFUL collective of writers and artists and join the conversation through creativity, study, and reflection.
  • Books available but optional through Amazon or request through Belong Christian Bookstore. A workbook will be provided.


OPTION 4:  Becoming Like Jesus by Cynthia Heald (ONLINE)

  • Thursdays, September 19th – October 31st  (7 sessions) – 8:30 – 10:00 pm ONLINE
  • What If We Really Imitated Jesus?  Living as Jesus lived—is that even possible?  Jesus was sinless, performed miracles, and atoned for the sins of humanity. He was God’s beloved Son! How could we possibly come anywhere close to being like Him? But Scripture tells us to live as Jesus did, which means God Himself makes this kind of life possible. How then can we allow Him to shape our hearts, motivations, and actions so we increasingly remind people of the One we follow?  Renowned Bible study writer Cynthia Heald explores the everyday journey of becoming like Christ. With the seasoned guidance from a lifelong faith, she shares the challenges and rewards of embodying Christlikeness, as well as her own imperfect, stumbling experiences in learning to become like Jesus. In this insightful, accessible, and thought-provoking book, perfect for quiet time or a small-group study, you’ll find yourself inspired and encouraged to step into the simple yet powerful ways God molds us into the image of His Son.
  • Books available through NavPress or Amazon, or request through Belong Christian Bookstore.