Ladies, please join us for the upcoming winter session of bible studies beginning the week of January 15! Two books to choose from, along with an online option!
Rachel and Leah by Nicki Koziarz
Why her?
How many times have you asked yourself that question? How many times have you felt like you couldn’t measure up no matter how hard you tried?
We’ve all been there.
Over 6 sessions, uncover truths you need to arm yourself with when combatting comparison by studying the biblical account of Rachel & Leah. Learn to be content without becoming complacent, and discover godly wisdom to quiet the incessant Why Her? question in your head. Develop greater awareness of your insecurities, and learn to stop the lies in their tracks. Because the truth will set you free, and free women don’t have to measure up to anyone. Not even her.
Luke: Gut Level Compassion by Lisa Harper
Many of us believe that we aren’t good enough to meet other people’s expectations. Maybe you can’t wrap words around why, but lurking beneath the surface of the carefully curated façade you present in public, it’s there. Being missed and marginalized by others moves us to assume we’re not quite good enough for God either.
The great news woven throughout the Gospel according to Luke is that perfection is not a prerequisite for a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, this riveting account reveals that Jesus is especially fond of ragamuffins in need of a safe place to lean in and linger! Join Lisa Harper in this Bible study of a literary masterpiece that doesn’t celebrate the elite, but embraces the outliers, outcasts, and overlooked!